Dragon Boat Racing is Britain’s fastest growing water sport. Three River Serpents, based at Durham ARC is the most northerly premier crew in the British Dragonboat Racing Association League and is looking to recruit new members, both male and female.
Club members meet for training at Durham Amateur Rowing Club on Sundays at 10am (all year round), or Wednesdays at 6.30pm (April to October). To take advantage of the offer of three free taster sessions send your details to Jane Kemp on 07932628007 or email JaneKemp@Gateshead.Gov.Uk
See the club poster and taster session leaflet for further details.
If you are interested and would like further information about the club please visit the website at http://www.threeriverserpents.co.uk/ or email Kendal Mayes at kenimayes@hotmail.com