November 24, 2020

President Job Description

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Present the public face of the club
  • Preside over General Meetings of the Club

Key Activities

  • Provide advice and support to the Club Members when sought
  • Canvas members’ opinions and forward these to the committee where appropriate
  • Support the Club Executive in the work of the Club
  • Attend functions, club dinners etc. to represent the Club when invited
  • Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the Safety Officer
  • Ensure any accident witnessed or heard about is correctly reported
  • Ensure the club rules and bye-laws are abided by
  • Ensure Welfare issues are referred to the Welfare Officer
  • Act as host for the annual dinner of Durham ARC
  • Promote and model Club culture and ethos


Person Specification

  • Ability to represent the Club
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to promote high standards of integrity, sportsmanship, inclusion and diversity