Roles and Responsibilities
- Act as Chair of Durham ARC 1860 limited and of the Club Executive Committee.
- Direct the development, implementation, review and updating of the Club’s strategy and development plan
- Communicate the club strategy and delivery rate to all club members
- Present the public face of the club
Key Activities
- Chair the Company Directors meetings and committee meetings. Where a vote is drawn the chairman has the deciding vote.
- Plan and prepare committee and AGM meetings and ensure minutes and decisions accurately recorded
- Ensure the implementation of decisions
- Act as senior manager in matters concerning employees of the Club
- Work alongside the DARC Exec, directing the development of the Club’s strategy and implementation of its plan
- Provide advice and support to the Executive Committee Members when sought
- Canvas members’ opinions and forward these to the committee where appropriate
- Actively ensure that any grievance and discipline matters are progressed in accordance with the Club Guidelines.
- Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the Safety Officer
- Ensure any accidents witnessed or heard about are correctly reported
- Ensure the club rules and bye-laws are abided by
- Ensure welfare issues are referred to the Welfare Officer
- Promote and model Club culture and ethos
Person Specification
- Ability to deal with conflict
- Ability to negotiate
- Good interpersonal skills
- Experience of chairing meetings
- Understanding of running organisations and businesses
- Ability to influence, lead and inspire
- Excellent communication skills
- Ability to promote high standards of integrity, sportsmanship, inclusion and diversity