Durham Small Boats Head went ahead on February 4th in pleasant conditions and without undue incident.
A full entry of 388 for the time-trial in four divisions over 1800 metres included large contingents of 48 from George Watson’s College and 56 from George Heriot’s School, both travelling from Edinburgh to compete, as well as local support from Durham ARC and Durham College Rowing, which taken together accounted for more than half the entry.
Though down on last year’s number the 46 DARC entries yielded victories in 18 events, a return not seen in recent years.
The Senior Women and Juniors entered two coxless quads in the Women’s 4x- in division 1 with Katie McDaid’s crew posting the faster time to win the event in 7.31.6. The accolade of fastest Women’s 4x- of the day however went to DARC’s Francesca Suggett, Jenny Napora, Libby Morris and Orlagh Windle whose time of 7.13.8 in division 2 won them the WJ18 4x-.
Libby Morris and Jenny Napora also won the WJ18 2x band 1 with 8.05.9 set in division 1. The fastest women’s double of the day was Hexham RC’s WJ15 2x with 7.59.2, while Bradford ARC won the Women’s 2x in 8.10.5.
The J18 boys coxless quad was hotly contested across all four divisions, with a 5th place for Tom Pfetscher’s crew in 6.26.2 and 7th for Finley Scott’s in 6.41.0, overall victory going to George Heriot’s School in 6.16.5.
GB triallist Sam Terry was the fastest single sculler of the day, recording 7.15.6 to win band 1 of the Open J18 1x, outpacing Tyne ARC’s only competitor, World Beach Sprint medallist Robbie Collen, who won the Open 1x in 7.19.5. Although hampered by an incident at Elvet Bridge Nick Baird achieved 2nd place in the Open 1x in 7.22.2
Other wins in division 1 came from Jonny Cleugh in the J15 1x in 7.39.3 and Luke Davison in the J18 1x band 2 in 7.48.0.
In women’s single sculling Tilly Stoddart was 2nd to George Heriot’s in band 1 of the WJ18 1x in 8.20.8, while without any Masters competition Rachel Terry also lost out against Heriot’s in taking second place in the Women’s 1x in 8.40.3.
With no opposition the DARC J13 girls coxed quad completed the course in 9.27.5 leaving several older crews in their wake.

Durham SBH 2023
The DARC Senior Men provided the only two Open coxless fours, entering in divisions 2 and 4, with Roger Dunn’s division 2 crew being the faster in 6.40.5.
Coxed fours attracted 33 Open entries and 32 Women’s, mostly representing 13 Durham Colleges, and entries were allocated to one of four Open bands and three Women’s. Band 1 of the Women’s 4+ went to George Heriot’s School in 7.35.3, band 2 to Collingwood College in 8.32.8 and band 3 to St John’s College in 8.33.1.
DARC was without an entry in the Women’s coxed fours but provided the only two Women’s coxless fours of the day, with Rachel Wilson, Lucy Beresford, Emily Chaytor and Lee James setting the faster time of 7.34.5 in division 2, two seconds faster than Katie McDaid’s 4- in division 3.
The Women’s Masters BEF quad sculling race was contested between four Durham ARC crews, victory going to the WMasF crew of Sam English, Gabrielle Moore, Helen McMillan and Caroline Scholl who set 8.01.8 in division 2.
Four DARC crews contested two Open Masters quad sculling handicaps, the MasFG race going to the MasF 4x- of John Lyons, Paul Rutter, David Heppell and Richard Court who achieved 7.02.5 in division 2, while the MasE 4x- of Michael Terry, Paul Smith, David Heppell and John Lyons took the MasCE race with a time of 7.07.3 in division 4.
The Senior Men entered coxed fours in divisions 1 (band 1) and 3 (band 2). In a field of 33 the band 2 crew stroked by Josiah George won their band and with 6.37.9 set the second fastest time overall by a coxed four, surpassed only by the Collingwood College band 1 winners who posted 6.20.8. Band 3 was won by St Hild & Bede in 7.05.1 and band 4 by George Heriot’s School in 7.11.3. The DARC 4+ stroked by Dan Pearson was 4th in band 1 in 7.31.7.
Quinn Mosley, Alex Lowes, Jason Wrack and Harrison Glasper, coxed by Izzy Maddison won the J14 4x+ in 7.22.3.
Tilly Stoddart and Elise Lambert finished without opposition in the WJ18 pair in 9.16.3.
Also in division 2 Andy Jaggard won the MasH 1x in 8.06.8 and Eva Williams won band 2 of the WJ18 1x in 9.00.6.
In division 3 Grace Beattie and Louisa Scott set a time of 8.33.8 to win band 2 of the WJ16 2x.
In division 4 Quinn Mosley and Alex Lowes set the winning time in the J14 2x in 7.26.9, and Richard Court and Andy Jaggard won the MasG 2x in 7.34.7. Lakeland RC won the MasE 2x in 7.33.2.
Division 4 also provided the opportunity of an Open double sculls appearance by coaches Elliot Kay and Jess Harris in a DARC/St Peter’s (York) combination. The only win of the day for St Peter’s from their 15 entries came in band 2 of the J15 4x+ in 7.49.4.
There were fine performances across the board and most crews will be well satisfied. At the end of an enjoyable day Durham ARC was able to celebrate success in 18 events while George Heriot’s School returned north with 8 wins, including the fastest time overall of 6.16.5 set by their J18 4x-, while George Watson’s College secured 7. Other wins were shared between 16 different clubs.

Results screen
Enhancements to the results system for the first time enabled live results to be displayed on large TV screens situated around the clubhouse.
Full results consolidated over the 4 divisions with adjusted times and winners indicated can be found here. Results in various other formats are also available on the DSBH page and through Oar-Online here.
SI Events Photography has provided photos.
Below is a summary of the fastest times recorded in each of the 59 contested events (* without opposition)
- J18 4x- George Heriots 6.16.5
- Open 4+ band 1 Colliingwood College 6.20.8
- Open 4x- George Watsons 6.24.8
- J16 4x- George Watsons 6.36.4
- Open 4+ band 2 Durham ARC 6.37.9
- Open 4- Durham ARC 6.40.5
- J18 2x band 1 George Heriots 6.43.1
- J15 4x+ band 1 George Watsons 6.45.7
- J16 2x Durham School 6.58.1
- J15 2x George Watsons 7.00.3
- MasF 4x- Durham ARC 7.03.5
- Open 4+ band 3 Hild/Bede College 7.05.1
- MasE 4x- Durham ARC 7.07.3
- Open 4+ band 4 George Heriots 7.11.3
- J16 4+ Durham School 7.12.5
- WJ18 4x- Durham ARC 7.13.8
- J18 1x band 1 Durham ARC 7.15.6
- Open 1x band 1 Tyne ARC 7.20.4
- J18 2- George Heriots 7.21.7 *
- J14 4x+ Durham ARC 7.22.3
- Open 4x+ Grey College 7.23.
- Open 2x Hild/Bede College 7.25.3
- J14 2x Durham ARC 7.26.9
- WJ16 4x- George Watsons 7.30.6
- Women’s 4x- Durham ARC 7.31.6
- WJ15 4x+ band 1 Hexham 7.33.0
- MasE 2x Lakeland RC 7.33.2
- Women’s 4- Durham ARC 7.34.5
- MasG 2x Durham ARC 7.34.7
- Women’s 4+ band 1 George Heriots 7.35.3
- J16 1x Tees RC 7.36.8
- J18 2x band 2 Hexham 7.39.3
- J15 1x Durham ARC 7.39.3
- Open 1x band 2 George Heriots 7.41.5
- J18 1x band 2 Durham ARC 7.48.0
- J15 4x+ band 2 St Peters School 7.49.4
- WJ15 2x Hexham 7.59.2
- WJ18 1x band 1 George Heriots 8.01.1
- WMasF 4x- Durham ARC 8.01.8
- WJ18 2x band 1 Durham ARC 8.05.9
- MasH 1x Durham ARC 8.06.8
- Women’s 2x Bradford ARC 8.10.5
- WJ18 2x band 2 St Leonards 8.14.7
- WJ16 2x band 1 Yarm School 8.18.8
- Women’s 4x+ George Heriots 8.21.1
- WJ14 4x+ Hexham 8.23.0
- WJ15 4x+ band 2 Yarm School 8.24.4
- WJ15 1x Sunderland 8.26.8
- WMasF 2x Strathclyde Park/X-Press 8.28.0
- WJ16 4+ QEHS 8.28.2
- Women’s 4+ band 2 Collingwood College 8.32.8
- Women’s 4+ band 3 St Johns College 8.33.1
- WJ16 2x band 2 Durham ARC 8.33.8
- Women’s 1x George Heriots 8.39.1
- WJ14 2x George Watsons 8.43 0
- WJ16 1x George Watsons 8.53.4
- WJ18 1x band 2 Durham ARC 9.00.6
- WJ18 2- Durham ARC 9.16.3 *
- WJ13 4x+ Durham ARC 9.27.5 *
We are grateful for the efforts of Durham County Council and ARM Pipetek in clearing the debris blocking passage through both arches of Elvet Bridge in the weeks leading up to the competition, which had prevented crews being able to train over the full course since mid-November.

Removing debris from Elvet Bridge