DARC Members Survey Results

The full report of the DARC SATISFACTION SURVEY – Report and Plans for Action is out today.

Over two thirds of the 117 respondents rated their satisfaction with their membership of DARC, as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’. There were many positives about the facilities, about the general friendliness of members, and for the excellent coaching, (although access to all was an issue). It has also given us a lot of food for thought, with many constructive and practical suggestions of areas for change and improvement.

For the full report on the Members Portal (you need to be a logged in portal member) go to:  http://members.durham-arc.org.uk/dl1

A copy of the report will also be attached to this week’s member update from Mark Bell and some hard copies will be available at the Club.

We welcome any feedback you have about the report and the recommendations to Andy Jaggard – press@durham-arc.org.uk

We also plan to run one or two open forum sessions at the club next week – date and time to follow – where members can come along to discuss the recommendations and next steps.